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Women Glass Beaders of Sololá

We work with two partner groups of women beaders that are located around the breathtaking Lake Atitlán in the department of Sololá, Guatemala. Women beaders from both groups were previously working independently and from time to time sold their crafts in local markets. So, with help from Guatemala’s Exporters Association, we helped to formally organize the women artisans and created two groups that now gather a total of 80 women and collaborate with our designers to develop high quality contemporary goods.


Each piece is individually hand-beaded by the creative hands of women beaders who skillfully bring life to our designs. This technique is labor intensive and from start to finish, it takes five days and 30,000 beads for one women to complete one of our unique beaded pillows and almost 3 days and 15,000 beads for one women to produce the beaded pouches.

"We contribute to empower women artisans, who now have a constant & fair source of income."

We now work with more than 80 artisans in this community, 3 times more since we begun working with them in 2013. Artisans’ daily income has increased 2.25 times since we first partnered with the women beaders in 2013.

 Meet Emilia Par

We have been working with Emilia since 2013, when together with the Guatemala's Exporters Association we collaborated to created  the group  of  women  beaders ADIBA. Since then we have constantly grown our partnership with Emilia and her group, and she is grateful for the opportunity to sell her products at international markets and earn a fair living wage. She is investing her income in good education for her. Emilia is now the leader artisan of the group and she helps to train new members of the group and supervise productions.


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